Event to change the field: Nissan has made partnership with City Football Group more profound

Soccer is the best sphere to make a good self-promotion and lots of leading brands know this.
Nissan is a City Football Group’s official partner since 2014. The automaker also cares about its football teams Manchester City, New York City FC and Melbourne City FC.
The collaboration has extended, for instance, Girona FC was involved into the progman and in future it’s planning to include Sichuan Jiuniu FC, says espn.com.

It’s notable too, that in 2019, Manchester City Manager Pep Guardiola was honored to take the position of a Nissan ambassador.
Nissan is aiming to keep its high-profile presence at all Manchester City men’s and women’s, New York City FC’s, Melbourne City FC men’s and women’s, Girona FC’s and Sichuan Jiuniu FC’s fixtures.
All the bodies agreed to keep working together to develop engaging initiatives and other activities in the realm of the partnership.
For the ‘soccer’s side’ the crucial thing is that Nissan share its passion for innovation and the goal to excite people, whether that be with world-class soccer or automotive technology, as it shows in Nissan’s latest campaign.
Finally, both partners are inspired for the next common projects and full of steadiness to make all the efforts not only to develop the industry, but to change the world for the better.

Source: Manchester City